Happy Friday, fit friends! Here is another FUN and FAST workout for you to blast some serious calories and strengthen your full body and cardiovascular system! The best part is that you don't need tons of fancy equipment or time to fit in a great workout with this Battle Ropes workout!
Rope Smashers
Free Fitness Friday: Full-Body Rope Smasher Workout
Fitness, WorkoutCommentFree Fitness Friday: Full-body Rope Smasher Circuit Workout
Fitness, WorkoutCommentIt's finally Friday! I can't believe it is already the 1st of July! There is already so much to celebrate this week and to make it even better, I have another killer Full-body Workout that is low-maintenance (when it comes to space and equipment), but high-intensity and you can perform anytime and anywhere!
Free Fitness Friday: Heart-Healthy Rope Smasher Workout
Fitness, WorkoutCommentFree Fitness Friday: Full Body Tabata Workout (20 minutes)
Fitness, WorkoutCommentHooray! It's already Friday, it's already September, and it's already the half-way point of my first Dietetic Internship Rotation! Time sure is flying by, and while I do not feel that I have a lot of "free time" right now, I will always make time for a quick "Free Fitness Friday" work-out! Especially if it takes about 20 minutes to complete!
This week's Free Fitness Friday workout: Full Body Tabata (20 minutes):
Rope slams never felt so good! (Photo compliments of DAPhotospot)
The workout is very simple and involves 4 dynamic exercises for a full body burn! As always, be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes before starting the timer and cool down and stretch after you complete the last round!
1 Round:
1. Jump Rope
2. Bosu Ball Push-Ups
3. Bosu Ball Sit-Ups
4. Rope Slams
Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Rest for 1 minute between rounds and repeat for 5-6 rounds.
Check out my demonstration video to see how each exercise is performed!
I can't wait to head to my gym after clinical tomorrow and kick the long-weekend off with this quick, calorie-blasting workout!
Hope you will "join me" and I hope you have a wonderful long-weekend!